
This shared space will hold our collective reflections as we continue on in our journey together in yoga and on this earth. You are invited to share your poetry, essays, photographs, vegan recipes and art and I will post them in this space weekly for all the yogis in this community to enjoy.



This poem is inspired by the Tahr walk on the Munnar trip during the Kerala Yatra with Swami Ishwarananda and Swamiji’s quote during the walk, “The student stands, the teacher understands” and a lecture by Swami Shambhudevananda from Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers, who talks about going from the monkey mind to the monk mind.

Crisp mountain air

And the gentle breeze

As the leaves dance 

Among the Coromandel ebony trees


Where three rivers meet

And the hills touch the clouds

As the earth supports my feet

A symphony of greens

These plantations of tea

White, green and black

As far as the eye can see

Like a soul lost in samsara

The mountain goat leaps

His mind drowned in ignorance

As his intellect sleeps 

A streaming waterfall

Neelakurinji, a violet hue

A path to Eternal life

Followed by just a few 

With folded hands 

The striving student stands

The teacher guides

The teacher understands 

A monk in orange robes

Walks with me

He leads I follow

He sees and I try to see

I breathe, I search 

I seek to find

The way from the monkey

To the monk mind

PC Krishnan Seshadri


Labyrinths fascinate me. They are to me a representation of the life of a yogi. As I walk from the outer to the inner circles, I am diving deeper within, into a sacred space inside me, to find my true Self. The pebbles that form this labyrinth are the circumstances and the people that I meet along the way; the experiences that in some ways shape the experiencer. As I reach the center of the labyrinth, a powerful energy resonates within me as I stand in stillness, looking at the infinite blue ocean around me meet the infinite space within me. And just for a moment, I feel the oneness of the Universe.

As I wander out of the labyrinth from my meditations into samsara, the world around me, I hold the peace of that moment of stillness in my heart.

PC: Smita Kolhatkar


In Piercy, Californina, among the towering Redwood forests flows a river. It is called the Eel river. A visionary monk from India, Swami Chinmayananda, re-named it as the Eel-Ganga river. This river like Mother Ganga, gushing with energy, flows around obstacles, undaunted, to its destination. So also, in-spite of challenges physical or mental, as yogis, we need to move forward with unwavering faith in ourselves and the goal. Each day, we find ourselves improving and one day even without our realizing it, there is a quantum leap. The important thing is consistent and sincere practice. And the rest follows; with the grace of the revered Gurus, who guide our inner journey. "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you"

P.C: Krishnan Seshadri


This poem talks about the need for a human birth for God Realization. It is inspired by a talk on Yoga Vasistha by Swami Shambhudevananda from Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers where I received my Yoga Teacher certification.

“When I walk in Heaven”

When I walk in Heaven

What will I see

A beautiful blue brook

Gurgling beside me

I will see the angels 

flying all around

And music from heavenly veenas

Such a glorious sound

Every taste I want

Every touch and sight

Devas who protect me

With all their might

I will forget myself

And the human goal

As I lose myself

In pleasures untold

Until my punya  karma  

Completely runs out

And I am hurled down into bhu-loka

With an anguished shout

I could not know my real Self 

In the absence of pain

Only in this karma-bhumi I can remember You

Only in this mortal birth I can gain

The desire to do sadhana

To learn and to grow

So I can focus inward, evolve 

And feel my prana flow

Free myself from these shackles

Of pleasure and pain

Go beyond attraction and repulsion

Loss and gain

To reach the one Atman

The goal of life so bright

From the darkness of my ignorance

Into Consciousness, all Light

P.C: Krishnan Seshadri